Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So we are still here in the Icheon Airport, and I decided 'What the heck, I may not be able to experience South Korea at this time around, but I can at least try the food.  So, I decided to pick something from the cafeteria-style restaurant in the Terminal:  Dumpling and Soft Bean Curd Stew.  I deliberately went for what I assumed was the least spicy thing on the menu . . . but apparently the camera they used to capture the essence of this delicious meal doesn't handle the color Red very well.  But no matter!  As soon as I got my stew, my keen powers of observation provided me a valuable hint into what I was in for.  I'm not sure if it was the rich red color, or the fact that all of the contents of the bowl were still boiling, but something prompted me to ask a very important question of myself:  Where is the water?

Luckily, they provided 6oz (or whatever the metric equivalent to my estimation of their yield) metal cups and a water cooler that I almost (but didn't) cause to spill over, I was able to prepare myself for the oncoming enslaught of spice . . .

Which turned out to be WONDERFUL.  It was not just ANY type of spicy:  It was ETERNAL FIRE spicy.  As in, the heat distributes itself evenly from the lips to the back of the throat, gradually rising in intensity the more you eat.  the Dumplings were savory, the bean curd (tofu) was well-seasoned and stayed relatively firm, and the egg yolk (they drop an egg in the stew just as it begins to boil) was perfect!   Also, one of the side condiments, a sweet tofu skin-type thing whose name I do not yet know, served as a delightful contrast to the burning.

Also, rice.  Always rice.  Which is wonderful, because I love rice.

I think we're about to board.  But, before I go, feel free to enjoy the shameless western-style cartoon branding!

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